What are the most common reasons for divorce in Australia

August 10, 2022    divorcelawyersperthwa
What are the most common reasons for divorce in Australia

Though the divorce rates today in Australia and other parts of the world are decreasing, there are many factors that contribute to a divorce. The reason might be anything from lack of family support to having less intimacy. Sometimes, divorce can be a nightmare for the couple and other people involved.

No matter the reason that led to the divorce, it is one of the most unpleasant things that people go through. Some people hire the best divorce lawyers in Perth to settle for a divorce, while others happen smoothly due to mutual understanding. In this guide, you will know some of the common reasons for which couples get divorced.

What Are Some Common Causes that Leads to a Divorce?

As per a number of studies, there are three most common divorce causes: arguing, conflicts, lack of intimacy, and extramarital affairs. Some of the reasons that have led to divorces between partners are as follows:

Religious differences/ Little or no premarital education

Though there are many who participate in multiple educational courses, they feel that it is not enough. There are many who wish they had premarital counseling and listened to advise from people who told them not to get married.

All over the world, numerous people marry but cannot stay together due to religious differences. Premarital education can help teach people how to get along and how they need to communicate. But it lacks one thing; it does not talk about different marriage phases.

Lack of family support

As per a study that looked at close to 400 couples, husbands having a closer relationship with their wife’s family can reduce the risk of divorce by 20%. But a wife having a closer relationship with the husband increases the likelihood of divorce.

As per the words of a researcher, wives may need to maintain boundaries with their in-laws, and husbands need to treat their in-laws as family and be close to them.

Health problems

According to the best marriage counselors and top psychologists, illnesses can prove to be the cause of divorce in many marriages. There are different types of illnesses that can lead to pain and debt, and all these can lead to self-loss.

It may indicate that one partner is unable to maintain their part of the relationship, and in this case, the other partner needs to step up. There are some couples who can deal with illness better compared to others and prevent future divorce risks.

Domestic violence

Many couples cite domestic violence (both mental and physical abuse) in marriages as the main reason behind their divorce. Sometimes, a partner can be aggressive and continue abusing the other partner, and ultimately, the one being abused cannot take it anymore, leading to a divorce. Check out – How Divorce Lawyers Help You Fight Against Divorce Violence?

Many people have shared the following,’ I used to feel physically threatened while in the relationship’. After things got physical, we worked on it, but it occurred again and again. As per the research carried out by UNODC, around 50,000 women were killed in 2015 by their lovers or family members.

Substance abuse

At least one partner in around 50% of former couples reported substance abuse as a reason behind the divorce. As per the report, most of the couples agreed that being addicted to a substance ultimately led to their divorce.

At times, partners may not agree that they were abusing a substance, and this would often lead to arguments. In such cases, divorce lawyers in Perth would get involved. Some partners explained that they were not against their spouse but the addiction.

Financial problems

Many people reported that financial problems were one of the reasons that led to divorce. Money problems often cause stress and tensions in a relationship, which worsens the relationship between partners.

When you have conflicting money styles, it can prove to be harmful to relationships. If an individual spends a lot while the other person is a saver, tensions can arise in deciding what to do with paychecks.

It is essential to find ways to use the different habits as a way to compliment one another. For example, a saver can look after retirement planning while a spender can look after short-term spending. This can help to ease tensions between couples.

Not getting married at a suitable age.

There are many people who cite age differences or immature age to be reasons that lead to divorces. The age of marriage has changed a lot in the past few years. Depending on the situation, people marry at an earlier age or at a late stage in their lives.

People should avoid marrying at a younger and immature age because they are not developed enough to understand the responsibilities that come with a marriage. People need to be of a certain age if they want to marry so that they can at least understand the basic things.

A lot of conflicts and arguing

There are many cases where daily conflicts and arguing often lead to people signing the divorce papers. Sometimes, ego gets the better of a person, and when one cannot agree with the other, it can lead to senseless arguments and conflicts.

It only gets worse with time, and most of the time, the conflicts are not resolved peacefully. This will only contribute to the further distance between the couples, which may lead to a divorce. Some people also get frustrated after arguing a lot with their better half.

Extramarital affairs or infidelity

As per a recent study, infidelity is regarded as a major reason for couples breaking up and later agreeing to separate their ways with the help of separation lawyers Perth. Sometimes, when a partner finds the other partner cheating, they are traumatized, and this leads to further problems between the two.

Some of the reasons people cheat are insecurity, fear of being cheated, fear of losing a partner, and much more. People usually hire the best divorce lawyers in such cases usually to settle for a divorce.

Lack of commitment

Though there are people who say that marriage is the ultimate commitment, it is reported that many marriages do not last long as there is a lack of commitment among the partners.

Some of the divorced partners have stated,’ I understood that it was a lack of commitment from my side as there was no feeling of romance that aroused in me when I saw my partner.’

Problems in communication

Many former partners have cited this to be an essential reason for divorce. Sometimes, communication problems between partners might lead to arguments, and then people stop talking to each other.

Communication problems can be the root cause of other issues that lead to divorce, like family and money conflicts. If you are arguing the entire time with your spouse, you must understand that there can be communication problems. You can look out for disagreements or repeated arguments that never got resolved.

Arguments over family responsibilities

One of the major reasons for divorce is arguments due to family responsibilities. Some of the reasons behind conflicts in marriages are:

  1. Child care responsibilities
  2. Raising child
  3. Family and household obligations.


According to a study, women are more likely to cite this reason as the cause of their divorce. At times, even men claim the same, but there are people who are not ready to accept this as a reason for divorce.

Having unnatural expectations

When you marry an individual, you might go into the marriage with certain desires or expectations. You might expect or want your partner to live up to your expectations and be the person that you want them to be.

Such unnatural expectations can cause pressure on the other partner, making them feel down or a failure. This can slowly become a cause of divorce between both partners.

Lacking intimacy

If you are not connected with your partner, it can ruin your marriage. This is because couples are left feeling that they live with strangers and not partners. It is important that you feel connected to your partner.

Sometimes, not feeling connected to your partner can be due to a lack of intimacy. Sex is not one of the reasons to feel or not feel connected to your partner. If you keep on giving the cold shoulder to your partner, it will lead to divorce and the involvement of the best divorce lawyers.

There Are Divorce Reasons that Can Matter More Than Others.

There are different reasons for divorce, and all of them ultimately involve divorce lawyers in settling the case. For divorced people, one of the above issues can be more important to them than the others. An issue or a reason listed above can be more severe for a couple compared to another. This is why based on the circumstances, a divorce reason can matter more to an individual than others.

Contact Divorce Lawyers Perth

If you feel that there are problems in your relationship and that you do not feel connected to your partner, you will have no other choice but to opt for an online divorce service. Though you need to avoid as much as possible, you can contact Divorce Lawyers Perth to acquire the best lawyers who can help ease the divorce process and help in divorce proceedings.

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